The East Baton Rouge School Board has a responsibility to the community to come to a consensus on who should be elected the next superintendent. Last night, despite the hard work and best intentions of numerous members, they are no closer to a resolution.

In less than three weeks, children will be returning to the classroom. Parents should be checking off the final items on school supply lists and getting their kids back into a routine, not waiting until nearly 2 a.m. to find out if the district will have a leader by the first day of school. 

The Baton Rouge Alliance for Students supports any candidate we believe is willing to make difficult but progress-driven decisions that will move the district forward. That includes leaders of all political affiliations who will reach across party lines and work together toward a common goal. 

What we saw last night is not the example we want to set for our kids. This is not reality TV; it’s our children’s futures. And it’s certainly not representative of the Baton Rouge we want to present to the world. This city is overflowing with potential, and the classroom is the key to unlocking it. Parents should be confident in sending their kid to school knowing they are going to be equipped with the opportunities to fulfill their dreams, and businesses should be vying to come here because they know we have the talent pipeline to fill jobs.

Despite the current tension, we truly believe that every school board member cares deeply about the children of Baton Rouge. That’s why this issue evokes such passion and emotion among both members of the Board and the community. Right now, the best thing that all Board members can do is set aside personal differences and focus on the urgency and importance of the task at hand.

Selecting a superintendent is not an easy decision, but it is a crucial one that will impact the future of our city for years to come. Our children deserve a leader who is committed to improving educational outcomes, fostering a positive learning environment, and ensuring that every student has the opportunity to succeed.

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